09 Dec Roll Up Grilles by LMI
A Roll Up Door comes in different types of materials. We can use Galvalume, Polycarbonate, Aluminum, or Stainless. But another material can be use for roll up requirement. Lustre Metal Industry presents Roll Up Grilles! A grille or grill is an opening of several slits side-by-side in a wall, metal sheet or another barrier, usually to allow air or water to enter and/or leave and prevent larger objects from going in or out. Source: Wikipedia
Need two spaces to be divided safely but still need ventilation and visibility? Your solution is a Rolling Grilles. Our durable rolling protection grilles keep places off limits. The commercial duty construction is durable. It requires little or no maintenance, and provides ease of repair with readily available materials, tailor designed to an exact opening size. Install these overhead grilles behind storefront glass, in classrooms, shops, hotels, healthcare settings and more at service window openings. Furthermore, for convenience, the security grille curtain stores in an overhead coil supported by the guide extensions for an out of sight, compact storage.
Lustre Metal Industry offers Roll Up Grilles. Our rolling protection grilles are the ideal option if you need to shield areas from unwanted entry, interference or burglary, but don’t want to obstruct visibility or air flow. At last, for qoutation requests, you can call us at 0925 514 0223 📞 or E-mail us at rollupdoorbylmi@gmail.com 📨.
Noel Cabubas Basit
Posted at 11:53h, 26 AprilHow much for 360 x 380 meters roll up grilles?
Posted at 09:58h, 16 JunePlease send as an inquiry on the from on contact us and on the homepage.